
Most high school students will take the SATs, even if they plan to apply mostly to test-blind colleges. This means that you should know about the updates made to the SAT in 2023 (some of which are only just now going into effect nationally).

These are the main changes to the format:

  • Length – While the SAT length has changed several times since its inception, the test is now currently the shortest that it has ever been. From start to finish, the SATs are only two hours in total.
  • Format – Starting in 2024 (although it began in many testing sites last year), all SAT testing will be digital. So you don’t have to worry about number two pencils anymore. Don’t mistake digital for remote. You still have to go to the testing site. However, you can either bring your own device with you or borrow a device to take the test on.
  • Calculator Use – The use of graphing calculators has been acceptable on the SAT for decades. However, since it is now built into the online exam, you no longer need to spend over $100 to bring your own.
  • Receiving Scores – Scores will arrive faster thanks to the digital format, allowing test takers to learn how they did in a matter of days rather than weeks.

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