For the best chance to get accepted to the college of your choice, you need to be sure that your student profile is a cut above the rest. What will the admissions officer want to see in order to ensure your application is taken seriously? Here are four tips for a stand-out student profile:
- Get Certified – Obtaining a certificate shows that you have the skills to be immediately employable following graduation. So, of course, it appeals to colleges to take on students who have already worked to obtain this type of training. They want you placed in a job immediately after school to boost the university’s reputation (even if you did the work getting the certificate yourself).
- Join School Clubs – This is an opportunity to show that you can work well with others and that you are motivated to pursue educational opportunities over recreation. If you can get involved with a club that has something to do with your chosen major, that’s an additional bonus.
- Try an Internship – Another way to make a job after college more certain is to already have experience and to be networking. An internship gives you just those opportunities.
- Do Volunteer Work – Universities want to see that you are willing to put community interests ahead of your own self-interest, and volunteer work is a great way to do that.
Find the College Admissions Support You Need
At College Planning Source, we pride ourselves on helping students get into the best possible schools. But the earlier you start, the better. So get in touch today by calling 858.676.0700 or by submitting our online contact form. And don’t forget to check out our extensive list of free upcoming webinars.