Reasons to Consider an Internship During College 1

There are many types of internships available to college students, and these can provide real value. Some internships even pay a salary. Even if your internship offers credits, that is super valuable (especially if you go to a private university with exorbitant tuition fees). Regardless of the immediate value, here are some additional benefits college students receive from almost any internship.

  • Real-world experience – This is one thing that most college students are missing when it comes to the workplace. Getting some real-world experience to back up the head knowledge taught at school can give you a leg up after graduation.
  • Better resume – If two people fresh out of college apply for a job, but one of them already has work experience, guess who has a much better chance of getting the job. An internship is a nice way to pad your resume.
  • Networking – When you work as an intern, you meet a lot of professionals in your chosen career path. Those connections can help you down the road when you are looking for work. In fact, many students end up right back at those companies they interned for after graduation.
  • Feedback – This is an opportunity to gain valuable feedback from superiors in the workplace. At school, professors can tell you how you do at applying the theory behind your major. At an internship, you will find out the adjustments you need to make to be successful in an actual work environment.

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