When deciding on a university, you are probably going to get a lot of outside advice. Some of it will help you make a good decision, so don’t ignore all of it (even though you may have to take some advice with a grain of salt). However, when it comes to meeting your own personal needs, here are a few tips to help you make a good decision on which school to attend.

  • Find the road less traveled. The campus tour is a great way to learn about the school from the school’s perspective. But if you want to see past the best impression, get outside the tour. Talk with a few students and find out what the experience is really like. If you can’t go in person (many tours are virtual right now), try to find some students online to have an honest conversation with, perhaps through social media.
  • Check out the extracurricular programs, especially if you have some sports or other activities you wish to pursue.
  • Consider your family. Some families have greater needs, and it may make sense to stay where you can visit regularly or maybe even commute to school from home.
  • Count the cost. Compare how much free money you can get for college to the overall cost of tuition and other expenses. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life in debt.

One-on-One Help for College Planning

College Planning Source is here to help families navigate the struggles of education following high school. You can call 858.676.0700 and schedule a one-on-one planning assessment. You can also submit our online form. Assessments are currently performed via videoconference for the safety of our employees and clients.

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