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Course Selection- What You Need to Know

by Kristen Wiley

It’s an exciting time as students are starting to select classes for the 2024-2025 school year. While course offerings may differ from school to school, here are consistent 3 tips to keep in mind when selecting your classes.

Tip 1: Take the Appropriate Level of Coursework for You

It’s important to look at the classes you have already taken and also assess how your current school year has been going.  Has this year felt too easy?  Or perhaps you feel like it’s been too much. These are good indicators of how to set yourself up for success in the next year and where you either need to scale back or challenge yourself further.  Depending on your grade level, you may have more course offerings to choose from, such as honors/AP level courses, but be mindful of what is appropriate for you.  If there are certain subject areas that you are stronger in, that is a good opportunity to challenge yourself.

Tip 2: Understanding College Requirements

You may have met or are on track to meet your high school graduation requirements, but colleges often expect more, especially depending on a potential major.  It’s important to maximize core classes (English, Math, Science, Social Science, Foreign Language) first, followed by elective classes. Also, it is highly recommended that you do more than the minimum requirements! Most colleges will have a minimum requirement for the number of years in each subject area, but going beyond that will only help position you in the strongest way possible. This is where you will focus on your individual goals and work with your counselor to help you decide what will be appropriate. You can also focus on subjects that interest you– perhaps if you have a major in mind or even if you are still deciding. Being well-rounded outside your “intended major” is favorable.  Yes, you can want to study Biology and still take AP English!

Tip 3: Don’t Sit Back Senior Year

If you are a rising senior, now is not the time to let your foot off the gas.  Colleges will see what you are taking your senior year, and many will even use your first semester grades when making an admissions decision (yes, they will also see final grades in the Spring.)  You may be tempted to fill more spots with “easier classes” or free blocks, but it’s critical you stay on track academically.  Choose courses that make sense to your ability and potential major, but also stay committed to all the work you have already put in throughout high school.  Make this last year count!

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