While you are in high school, you have the unique opportunity to spend a summer taking a college program from a university. But is it really the best use of your time (and money, depending on the program)? While circumstances and programs vary, there are some reasons why this extracurricular activity should be on your radar.
Consider the following potential benefits if you are able to get into the right program:
- Enhance your student profile – The right college summer profile can really set your student profile apart. Just remember to think from an admissions officer’s perspective. The programs that will mean the most are not necessarily the most expensive. They will be looking for ones that are exclusive, difficult to get into, and related to your chosen major.
- Get a jumpstart on college credits – Some summer programs will actually give you credits, which could save you money in the long run. The main things you have to consider will be whether the credits will count at the universities you are applying to and whether they will count toward the degree you hope to obtain.
- Spend time with your passion – In reality, even if you get zero credits and college admissions officers don’t care about the course, if it is something you are passionate about, it could still be a worthwhile way to spend a summer.
Get Professional Support for College Admissions
At College Planning Source, we understand how stressful it can be to get into the school you want to attend. Get in touch today by calling 858.676.0700, or you can request a virtual assessment online to see how we can help. And don’t forget to look at our free webinars for additional support!