Your college applications may expect you to attach a letter of recommendation from a family member, coworker, teacher, guidance counselor, or someone else. But sometimes, the most awkward part of getting the recommendation letters you need is not knowing when and how to ask. So, we’ve compiled a few quick tips to help you get it right.

  • Ask the right person – The application will usually tell you who to get the letter from, but if there is any leeway (for example, if it just asks for a teacher), then make sure you ask someone who you think will give the letter the proper time and attention.
  • Ask right away – Teachers, guidance counselors, and others may get asked to write quite a few of these. If you’re not one of the first to ask, the quality of the letter may not be as good, or you may simply have your request for a letter denied.
  • Be clear with the instructions – If the school requests the letter to contain certain information, to be of a certain length, or to be formatted a particular way, be sure to share those instructions with the person writing the letter.
  • Be appreciative – Thank the person immediately when they agree to write the letter, and continue to show your gratitude when they provide it to you. The person provided you with a valuable service.

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