How Much Does College Tuition Cost Anyway 1

Some families feel that college is only for the ultra-wealthy, and when you look at college tuition prices, you can understand why. We’re about to compare prices for private and state universities. Then we will talk about how to plan for the expense as a family. We also encourage you to sign up for our free webinars on this and other helpful topics.

So how much does college tuition cost?

  • Private University tuition – These are the most expensive but also prestigious universities. The average price for a private university is $37,650/year. That means the average student who attends a private university will have to come up with over $150,000 between grants, scholarships, and loans.
  • State University tuition for state residents – If you are a resident of the state where you are going to school, state universities are an affordable option. The average tuition was just $10,560/year during the 2020-21 school year. That places a bachelor’s degree at just a little over $42,000 if you finish up in four years.
  • State University tuition for non-residents – If you are not a resident of the state but choose to go to a state university, you are going to pay a much larger fee. The average tuition, in this case, would be $27,020/year.

Where to Turn When You Need Free Money for College

From filling out the FAFSA to choosing the right scholarships to apply for, College Planning Source knows how to help families be able to afford tuition. It all starts with a personalized assessment. Give us a call at 858.676.0700, or you can request your assessment from our website.

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