Having a Family Discussion About College Without the Arguing 1

When you try to talk to your kids about college, does it always turn into an argument? Whether you have different ideas about when they should apply, where they should go, or what major they should pursue, here are a few tips to help you have a better discussion about further education.

  • Talk about careers, not majors – Students who haven’t decided on a major yet can get defensive if you start discussing it. If you talk about what they hope to do after college, you may be able to lead them toward discussing which majors are most likely to help them reach their goals.
  • Don’t just talk about school – Rather than focusing the conversation on their college experience, try to find out what your child hopes to achieve five, ten, or even more years into the future. Once you know your child’s goals, you can see what role a college education may play in reaching those objectives.
  • Don’t be afraid to talk about money – The part of the discussion your teen may be most okay discussing is how they are going to fund their education. Adults get anxious talking about money, but youths are often okay with this topic. You may even want to join a webinar together to learn more on the subject.

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