Employ These Tips to Enhance Your College Application Essays

Writing an essay may be just one part of the college admission process, but it can be one of the most nerve-wracking ones, especially since it is viewed as being the most important part of the application. Here are a few tips to help you relax and write the best possible essay you can.

  • Start early – The sooner you start working on your essays, the more time you have for rewrites and revisions. The pressure of a deadline can make it much tougher to produce material that shows who you really are.
  • Just write – Unless magic flows from your pen, no one is going to see the first draft but you. That means there is no pressure, so just go ahead and write the whole thing in one sitting. Don’t even think about the word count. You can whittle it down later if you need to.
  • Edit yourself – Write draft after draft until you see which one best represents who you are. Even then, you will want to edit that version (especially if you have gone over the word count).
  • Submission guidelines – Be sure to follow the guidelines for admission. They may be a little different from school to school. The last thing you want is to write the perfect essay but have it rejected because you have a formatting error.

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