Even if you are just thinking about having children, it’s never too early to begin planning on how to fund college. Tuition costs are always rising, so smart parents don’t wait until the last minute to begin setting aside money. However, you also want your kids to have the best shot at getting into the school of their dreams. Here are a few ways to give your children a competitive edge, depending on their age.

  • Before High School – Don’t wait until your kids are in high school to have them begin building a basis for their applications. Any school clubs or extracurricular activities that your kids can be involved in may give them a leg up. Don’t forget volunteer opportunities!
  • During High School – Developing a college plan should commence during tenth grade. This gives your students the best opportunities. Find out if SATs or ACTs are important to the schools they plan to apply to. Focus on GPA. It is also a good time to work on essay writing skills.
  • When Senior Year Arrives – You’re in the home stretch! It is now time to put your plans into action by submitting applications and filing for student aid.

Get Your College Hopeful an Assessment Today!

College Planning Source is here to help you get your kids into the right programs. Give us a call today at 858.676.0700 to schedule your assessment. You can also book an assessment through our website. Keep in mind that throughout the pandemic, all assessments will take place over Zoom for your safety and ours.

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