Tips for High School Students

Standardized Tests That College Hopefuls Need to Take

Standardized Tests That College Hopefuls Need to Take

You may dread taking standardized tests, but it is something that simply needs to be done if you hope to further your education after high school. Here are the three types of standardized tests you need to know about, each of which has its own unique benefits when it comes to applying for college. The […]

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Tips for Composing a Letter of Continued Interest to a School that Has Waitlisted You

Tips for Composing a Letter of Continued Interest to a School that Has Waitlisted You

Are you frustrated because you have been waitlisted by the top schools that you applied to? Did you receive a letter to inform you that your early application has been deferred? These situations can increase the pressure on a young person who is trying to get into a particular school. Is there anything you can

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Making Good Use of the Summer Before You Start College

Making Good Use of the Summer Before You Start College

Are you getting ready to graduate high school in the next month or two? If you are planning to enter the ranks of college students next fall, what should you be doing with your last summer? Here are three ways to make good use of the summer before college to prepare you for your experience.

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The 3 Things College Admissions Officers Are Looking for in an Essay

The 3 Things College Admissions Officers Are Looking for in an Essay

College admissions officers are inundated each year with stacks of college applications and the same old hackneyed essays. So how can you make your essay stand out and rise to the top of the pack? While there is no foolproof formula, there are a few things that admission officers are looking for. Write in your

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How Important Are SAT Scores When It Comes to College Admissions

How Important Are SAT Scores When It Comes to College Admissions?

We often get asked just how important SAT scores are when it comes to college admissions (or ACT scores depending on the school). The answer depends on several different factors: The school – Some colleges care more than others. If the average SAT score of students accepted at a school is 1500, you might struggle

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Lessons to Learn from the College Admissions Scandal

Lessons to Learn from the College Admissions Scandal

Whether you were shocked or not to learn that corruption dictates how some of the elite attend the top schools in the nation, there are a few things that your family can take away from the whole ordeal. Here are a few lessons to learn from the college admissions scandal. Your family should define what

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Why College Rankings Shouldn’t Be the Most Important Decider for You

Why College Rankings Shouldn’t Be the Most Important Decider for You

When it comes time to choose which colleges you are going to apply to, it can be tempting to find a college ranking site and let the numbers decide for you. However, this is too big of a decision to let some unseen committee determine it for you. Here are some things you should be

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Tips for Maximizing Need-Based Financial Aid for College

Tips for Maximizing Need-Based Financial Aid for College

Financial aid plays a key role in bankrolling college for just about every student. Why is need-based financial aid so important and how can you acquire the maximum amount? Here are a few tips: Don’t presume on merit-based scholarships – Very few people receive a full-ride scholarship. Don’t shy away from applying for merit-based scholarships,

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Tips for De-Stressing the College Admissions Process

Tips for De-Stressing the College Admissions Process

Applying for college can be one of the most stressful times in a young person’s life. How can you cut down on the stress and enjoy what should be one of the most exciting times for a young man or woman? Here are a few tips: Don’t wait until the last minute – Much of

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students, even some from middle-class and upper-middle-class families, need financial aid for college.

Essential Tips for Students Hoping to Get College Funding

You know your family can’t afford to put you through college, and you don’t want to spend the rest of your life paying off a massive debt. That’s why students, even some from middle-class and upper-middle-class families, need financial aid for college. But does that even exist for your household income bracket? Here are some

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