College Loans


SAT Requirements Are Down, But Don’t Count Standardized Testing Out

While it is true that the number of colleges requiring SAT and ACT scores for admissions has decreased to under 20%, it doesn’t mean you should skip the test altogether. The number of colleges that are test-blind (don’t take standardized test scores into account at all) is actually still the minority. Most schools are test-optional, […]

SAT Requirements Are Down, But Don’t Count Standardized Testing Out Read More »


Non-Tuition College Expenses – What to Expect

Paying for college is difficult enough without getting hit by surprise expenses. So, let’s take a few minutes to discuss some of the expenses associated with a university education that are not covered by tuition. School Supplies – When you were in school as a child, your parents probably paid for things like pens and

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How Much Will College Cost You?

This is a difficult question that college hopefuls need to answer. After all, you want to know how much of the cost you can defray with grants or scholarships, how much your family will be willing and able to contribute, and how much you may need to acquire loans to cover. Here are a few

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What Are the Benefits of Taking a Summer Program from a College?

High school students have the opportunity to enroll in summer programs at various universities. Now, we know what you’re thinking – this is just about as far as we can get from summer. While that may be true, now is the time to start looking at and applying to programs for next summer so that

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How Can You Determine the True Cost of College?

Regardless of which school you intend to go to, you are going to need to figure out how much you are going to spend. This will allow you to get the appropriate loans if your savings and financial aid are not enough to cover the entire cost. Here are a few things to consider when

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What You Should Know Before Taking a Loan for Your Child’s College Education 1

What You Should Know Before Taking a Loan for Your Child’s College Education

Some generous parents who are in a position to do so may choose to pay for their child’s college education. However, if you don’t have enough money to cover it all upfront, you may decide to go the loan route. Once you have examined all financial aid and scholarship opportunities, what should you know about

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Is Now the Right Time to Refinance Your Student Loans 1

Is Now the Right Time to Refinance Your Student Loans?

One of the things that many college students run into, sometimes even years after completing school and entering the workforce, is the crushing weight of student debt. If you are a college graduate who is struggling with heavy loans, here are a few reasons you may decide to refinance your student loans. Your credit score

Is Now the Right Time to Refinance Your Student Loans? Read More »

What Is Borrower Defense When It Comes to Federal Student Aid 1

What Is Borrower Defense When It Comes to Federal Student Aid?

Borrow defense is short for borrower defense to loan repayment forgiveness. The full term makes it a little easier to understand. We’re talking about legal ground for not paying back federal student loans if your school is involved in some form of misconduct. You can apply for this relief on the Federal Student Aid website.

What Is Borrower Defense When It Comes to Federal Student Aid? Read More »

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