Many people will advise that your college major should be something you feel passionate about, but you also have to factor in the job you hope to get after school. Some careers seem nice on paper but can’t even earn the necessary wages to pay back student loans.

Here are a few things to remember that will help you to make a rational decision regarding what to major in:

  • Your major should match the college’s top programs – This applies in both directions. You don’t need to apply to schools unless they offer a top program in what you want as your major. But you also should choose a major that fits in with the schools you’ve been accepted to.
  • Remember that you’re not locked in – Yes, it can cost money to change your major, especially if some of the credits won’t transfer or it delays your anticipated graduation date. But don’t pressure yourself with the idea that the major you choose today will have to be what you do for the rest of your life.
  • Compare costs to earnings – Think of college as a business investment. How much can you earn as opposed to how much it will cost you? The return on your investment has to be worth it because going to a university is a pricey investment.

College Planning Support from the Pros

College Planning Source is here to help you prepare for your education journey. Get in touch today by calling 858.676.0700, or you can request your virtual assessment from our website. We also offer free webinars on various college planning topics, so be sure to register today.

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