4 Ways to Maximize Merit-Based Aid and Other Forms of College Funding

Don’t write off need-based aid just because your family isn’t low income. Plenty of financial aid for school goes uncollected every year, so by applying for the right aid at the right time, you may have access to funds you never imagined possible. At the same time, you want to put all of your hard work to use by applying for merit-based scholarships. Here are a few tips.

  1. Apply for FAFSA – Afraid your family makes too much money for financial aid? Better to apply anyway. First of all, if one of your parents has lost a job recently, that may allow you to get additional aid. Plus, if your family is bearing the burden of medical debts, that can allow you to qualify for more aid. Regardless, filling out the app qualifies you for a low-cost student loan from Uncle Sam.
  2. Apply to the Right Schools – When you apply to schools where you will be among the top students, you can increase your odds of being offered a merit-based scholarship. You can still apply to other schools. Just be prepared to get offered more from the schools where you will be a higher-ranking student.
  3. Look for Colleges that Use the Term Need-Based Loosely – For example, some ivy league schools still consider a family worthy of need-based funding even if your parents make six figures.
  4. Search for Merit-Based Scholarships – Not all merit-based aid comes through the college There are plenty of other organizations that provide scholarships for strong performing students who meet certain requirements.

College Funding and Aid Planning in Southern California

College Planning Source in San Diego, California is proud to be able to help students with college funding and financial aid planning. If you are trying to figure out how to pay for your education, give us a call today at 858.676.0700 or submit our online contact form.

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