Some colleges will require that you submit letters of recommendation along with your application. What should these letters contain, and are they really vital to getting an acceptance letter? Here are three things you should know as you embark on the college application process.

  • What are college letters of recommendation? They are brief letters from a teacher, guidance counselor, or another source (who may be specified in the requirements) that attest to your strengths, character, and anything else that may confirm you are a good fit for the university to which you are applying.
  • Why do schools want these letters? Your student profile can only tell so much of your story. Like the essay on an application gives the school insight into your thought process, the recommendation letters give them an idea of the impression you make on others—something you may not even be able to fully comprehend yourself.
  • Are recommendation letters really that important? We’ve seen that recommendation letters play an equally vital role when compared to other elements of the application, such as your student profile, essay, grades, and the like. If it comes down to two students with similar applications, the quality of the recommendation letters could be what puts one student over the top.

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